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Fish auction Boulogne is ready for the future

On 2 May 2017, the fish auction of Boulogne has launched its new sales platform. Aucxis has developed an entirely new management software of the sale, which includes all processes, from the quay to the distribution and even to the invoicing. The software also offers different sales methods and a multifunctional website, which makes it possible to buy and sell fish 24 hours a day. Thanks to the clear steps to take, the auction is ready to execute the new traceability procedures.
The sale by 4 and more auction clocks
Beside the live clock auction system, the fish can also be sold by means of a direct sale or private sale. These sales can take place between the sellers and the buyers, 24 hours a day. During a private sale, a seller and buyer negotiate about the offer and the price. As soon as an agreement is reached, the data with regard to the transaction are registered in the database of the auction. It is up to the seller to decide whether he accepts an offer or he will wait for a possible higher bid of another buyer, but then he takes the risk that he misses the offer of the first buyer. In general, a private sale takes more time. During a direct or private sale, it is not the auction who is responsible for the registration of the capture data and the invoicing but the seller and buyer have to take care of this.
Remote buying
Thanks to the module « Remote buying » with audio connection, the buyers can bid from their home or their office. They also have the practical functionalities presale and marking lots. They can also offer a price for a lot in advance and mark lots for which they want to receive a notification as soon as they are displayed on the clock.
Specific functionalities
- Multi-transaction auctioning
By means of multi-transaction auctioning, several purchases can simultaneously take place for the same lot. The first buyer who made a bid communicates the desired quantity via an audio connection. The second buyer can buy the remainder of the lot then (if there is left). The advantage of multi-transaction auctioning is that this goes much faster. - Reservation and attribution of the lots
As soon as the entry is done, the sellers can make reservations for certain buyers. These reservations can then be attributed later on during a direct or private sale. - Input terminals on the quay
On the terminals on the quay in Boulogne, it is possible to enter lots and to register rejected lots and lots which were taken over. All these data are directly registered in the database to send them to the authorities afterwards. These tailor-made inox mobile terminals were specifically developed for the use in a humid and aggressive environment. Aucxis has delivered about twenty terminals to Boulogne and all of them are equipped with a printer and a barcode scanner : certain types have an integrated balance, others can be wirelessly connected to a balance. - Distribution terminal
The distribution terminals serve for the distribution regarding the layout of the sales tickets and for the declaration of the supply. The user can print his transactions which are sorted per buyer or module, or edit the whole.
From the website, the user has access to the menus regarding his own profile. The same functionalities of the terminal on the quay are integrated: supply, sales, reservations, registration of rejected lots and lots which were taken over. Furthermore, the user can consult and download his sales statistics (average, maximum, minimum) per status, species, size, presentation and quality. The administrator of the auction manages the profiles for all users and collaborators who use the sales system.
ERP software package (A-FISH)
The solution which was developed by Aucxis includes an administrative software package which processes all of an auction’s administrative tasks in an efficient and user-friendly way and includes:
- Master file management
- Cost management
- Packaging management
- Payment management
- Closing per day and at the end of the month
- Export France Agrimer (RIC3/RIC4) and traceability (DPMA)
- Accouting interface (Sage)
- Sales statistics