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Accelerated digitisation due to corona

It is unreal how a virus like Covid-19 is affecting our lives. First of all, we wish to express our support for all sectors affected. To our deep regret, certain segments within the auction world are hit hard: physical auction rooms are being closed, sales prices are plummeting and also export is becoming difficult.
The rise and persistence of the virus has been faster than previously thought or expected; we did not get any time to prepare for this.
It is safe to say that – within society – people are increasingly searching for digital solutions in order to limit the disruption of normal life as much as possible. We are forced to deal with the digital possibilities available in a more efficient and effective way. Digital meetings, teaching, offering of services, business agreements…
This means that we actually make use of the digital possibilities, which often have been available for many years but were not fully used. It will lead to many people thinking and acting differently.
This is not any different within the auction world; we notice that many companies wish to implement solutions or extensions for remote buying. This means that buyers do not need to be present in an auction room, but can participate to the sale by using their PC or mobile device. Remote buying can take place anywhere provided that an internet connection is available.
As world market leader in E-trade solutions, Aucxis has invested in recent years in a standard web-based trading and information system in the cloud: KOSMOS.
In these corona times, KOSMOS is more than ever the way-to-go: we have seen the number of requests increase significantly in recent weeks. The standard version can already be implemented after a lead time of only 4 weeks. For example, we just helped a customer out of need who was forced to stop auctioning, as they only had a physical auction room at their disposal. Thanks to KOSMOS, their business is running as usual again.
We are also convinced that the corona crisis has set an accelerated digitisation in motion and will ensure that much more will be auctioned and sold remotely in the future. As a result of this situation, many new remote buyers will make the final switch.
This current sad situation requires another, digital way of working. We are pleased to help you organising your business in the most efficient way possible by using the digital possibilities available.
Should you have urgent questions about KOSMOS or other remote buying solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Aucxis is able to computerise any sales method, regardless of the local traditions and practices at the auction.