
Coöperatie Hoogstraten connects grower and consumer thanks to vision and RFID technology

Automation of its logistic process, allowing  consumers and growers to get in touch with each other with a single click.
RFID-technologie voor Coöperatie Hoogstraten

Coöperatie Hoogstraten was looking for a tracking system linking the cardboard punnets and trays for its strawberries to the pallet carrying them.

The company opted for a solution which identifies the trays by means of vision technology. The further follow-up and identification of the trays takes place by means of the passive RFID technology of our ATLAS Item Identification & Tracking solution.

Coöperatie Hoogstraten, one of Aucxis’ first auction customers, trusted us with its first RFID challenge: the automation of its logistic process, thanks to which consumers and growers are in direct contact with each other with a single click.

An ultramodern installation shapes the cardboard punnets, puts them in the trays and provides them with a unique QR code. In order to enable the tracking of the pallets with trays and punnets, Aucxis equips the pallets with an RFID label. This pallet label will be scanned – together with the QR codes of the trays – in the vision tunnel, which was installed by our partner VistaLink. This establishes a link between the pallet label and the corresponding trays and punnets. Our ATLAS Item Identification & Tracking solution allows the automatic detection of the pallet labels upon distribution of the trays to the Hoogstraten growers. After distribution, Coöperatie Hoogstraten knows perfectly which grower the trays and punnets are transported to.

General Manager Hans Vanderhallen: “By linking the QR codes to an RFID tag, a link is established with the producer filling the punnets with delicious Hoogstraten® strawberries. The collaboration between the participants in this project gets an extra dimension thanks to the connection enabled between the producer and consumer by simply scanning a QR code.”

Do you want to know more? Consult the case study to get more details about this unique project. 

Coöperatie Hoogstraten aardbeien