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Printers and print kiosks
Printers and print kiosks

In order to guarantee the tracing during the auction process, it is recommended to use supply and transaction tickets. The KOSMOS software provides the automatic printing of transaction tickets containing lot and transaction data at each weighing.
In addition, KOSMOS also supports the use of kiosks that can be installed at the auction. Through the reports module, a buyer/supplier can simply download lists and statistics necessary for the correct processing of his daily operations.
By default, KOSMOS supports the industrial “CAB” ticket printers. These printers are suitable for use in industrial environments and are carefully selected for the quick and efficient printing of supply and/or transaction tickets.
By using tickets in the logistic flow, the internal logistic processes are simplified because these tickets contain all necessary information for a smooth and correct handling. The supply tickets can be printed one by one or all at once after finishing the supply input. The transaction tickets can be printed during the auction enabling a quick start of the distribution.
Print kiosks
Our industrial integrated print kiosks allow buyers and suppliers/producers to request, e-mail or print various reports via the KOSMOS platform, for example the catalogue and purchase and sales overviews. This allows them to print the necessary documents at the auction. It can also be provided in KOSMOS that transporters print their transport list for the correct handling of their transport.

Printing of supply and transaction tickets
Design of a print kiosk
Quickly request and print reports via print kiosks?