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In order to meet the specific needs of certain auctions that the sale needs to take place very close to the product, enabling the potential buyer to perform an instant quality check, Aucxis has developed an appropriate solution: the Moby-Clock.
This electrically driven, mobile auction clock drives from lot to lot, and the product is sold in a fair and transparent way at the highest price.
The Mobile auction clock
The Moby-Clock is also applied as a first step in the modernisation of the shout auction. Since traditional customs and the quality inspection by the buyers are maintained, the buyers will more readily accept the introduction of the new technology.
The Moby-Clock system includes
- a mobile sales vehicle with auction clock or panel, input PC and ticket printer;
- wireless RC-6 buy buttons allowing the buyers to determine the price;
- a radiographic connection with the central system.
The online KOSMOS platform can be seamlessly linked to the Moby-Clock system.

The wireless RC-6 buy button
The auctioneer operates the mobile auction clock from his terminal